So... Let's start my journey coming back to Lyon 1 month.
Where I borned and "re-borned", and discover it with my news eyes!!
Also I was looking for enjoying some time with my dear Family (they have been so comprehensive in all my choices, full of Love and so happy to witness this change, my change).
Celebrating with them my 29 years old (Saturn returns to the position it was at my birth: specific period of growth and change!)
I let Spain, afer leaving there 6 years... Full of emotions!!!
Starting my dance training journey in Lyon:
- Workshop Dance improvisation with Khosro Adibi.
Very generous in his teaching and in his way to approach Art. I was so happy to meet him: I learned many tools for Dance impro and he introduced me to his project "Fronteras" in South America. The project uses art to help children in deprived areas. Adibi leads teaching labs, where questions of a pedagogic nature are discussed, and the artists involved use these as a base from which to run workshops in dance, music, theatre or visual art with local children.
At this moment, I already had a clear idea of my future project in Morocco: using Arts for helping women, children, disable people. I don't really like the word "help", my aim will be only trying to reveal people to themselves, I mean working in self-thrust, in awareness of the beauty and the Power that everybody have! From that I would love to push people to help themselves. For example, empowering a women group for seting-up a local project (water, road, electricity...).
I am very inspired by projects as the Bearefoot College founded by Bunker Roy in India.
My dream, YES my dream: the construction of an Art House in the Moroccan mountains following permaculture concept for finally setting up my Community! an International nomadic community in Morocco and on the road for sharing happyness, pushing physical and mental boarders...
I feel deeply nomadic and love the idea to build an art - social - love - caravan, traveling everywhere (rest of Africa, Europe, and more!!!). Spending sometimes in some villages, bringing some entertainment (dance music, circus) and then working more deeply with the local people about permaculture (agro-ecology, bio construcion, recycling, renewable energy, education...).
More workshops in Lyon:
- Workshop Voicework with Aurélie Raidron in Atrelyon.
The secret of the Voice. As my interest for the anatomy of my body, I was really curious about the "musle-voice" and how my posture, my braith, my eyes can influence the quality of the sound of my voice.
- Workshop Feldenkrais & Danse (look & movement) with Josiane Charriau.
At this same moment, I was experimenting kind of inner revolution, reading the book of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen "Sensing, feeling and action". This workshop represented a hugh step in the awareness of my body, of my movements, of my eyes... When I move one part of my body, what happen in the rest of my body?
Amazing experience; after a mental visualization of only one side of my body, for ex the right one, then when I stand up, I felt a real difference between the right and the left side of my body, close to a loss of balance! Prior to this, I experimented this sensation only after some bodywork but never after a "simple" mental visualization... oooooh my mind is so powerful!!!
Confirmation of my choice to work my dance from the focus of the awareness of my body. Dancing is not about technique but it's more about knowing how to let your body move! To not move but to let the movement happen.
Body, mind, body, mind... let's try to find a good connection and easy communication between both.
One question, can we separate the body from the mind? No way! My body is not only a vehicule for my mind. There is no duality, I am an All, part of the universe.
As Steve Paxton said in "Material for the Spine": "The Brain has no sensation, the brain has information. The body has the sensation."
Here I felt also that this journey will go further than a "professional" training but will help me to reach happyness through emotional balance and new faith: Love.
- Workshop Contact improvisation with Joerg Hassman in Jam'inlyon.
Nice opporutnity to know better the great CI community in Lyon and its area.
CI activities in Lyon:
+ Jam: every Sunday, 17h30-20h30, except when start with a class, 19h-21h30. In Arts en Scène
+ Lab: 1st Friday of the month, 20h-22h. In Arts en Scène
+ Workshop: before the jam, last Sunday of the month, 17-19h. In Art en Scène
+ Classes: Tuesday 19h15-21h30, with Anne Croiseur, in Arts en Scène
+ BMC with Anne Expert
And in the area:
+ Grenoble, important epicenter of CI in France, together with Paris:
+ International Festival Contact Impro first week of November :
- Classes of Feldenkrais with Josiane Charriau in Atrelyon
- Classes of BMC with Anne Expert
- Omar, a new friend from Morocco, introduced me to the Soundpainting. He is part of an amazing group in Lyon, Le Spang. Soundpainting is the universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language for musicians, actors, dancers, and visual Artists. Love it. The language comprises more than 1200 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the composition is realized, by the Soundpainter, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures. The Soundpainting language was created by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York in 1974. High level of improvisation performance. Bravo. I hope to participate to a workshop...
Where I borned and "re-borned", and discover it with my news eyes!!
Also I was looking for enjoying some time with my dear Family (they have been so comprehensive in all my choices, full of Love and so happy to witness this change, my change).
Celebrating with them my 29 years old (Saturn returns to the position it was at my birth: specific period of growth and change!)
I let Spain, afer leaving there 6 years... Full of emotions!!!
Starting my dance training journey in Lyon:
- Workshop Dance improvisation with Khosro Adibi.
Very generous in his teaching and in his way to approach Art. I was so happy to meet him: I learned many tools for Dance impro and he introduced me to his project "Fronteras" in South America. The project uses art to help children in deprived areas. Adibi leads teaching labs, where questions of a pedagogic nature are discussed, and the artists involved use these as a base from which to run workshops in dance, music, theatre or visual art with local children.
At this moment, I already had a clear idea of my future project in Morocco: using Arts for helping women, children, disable people. I don't really like the word "help", my aim will be only trying to reveal people to themselves, I mean working in self-thrust, in awareness of the beauty and the Power that everybody have! From that I would love to push people to help themselves. For example, empowering a women group for seting-up a local project (water, road, electricity...).
I am very inspired by projects as the Bearefoot College founded by Bunker Roy in India.
I feel deeply nomadic and love the idea to build an art - social - love - caravan, traveling everywhere (rest of Africa, Europe, and more!!!). Spending sometimes in some villages, bringing some entertainment (dance music, circus) and then working more deeply with the local people about permaculture (agro-ecology, bio construcion, recycling, renewable energy, education...).
More workshops in Lyon:
- Workshop Voicework with Aurélie Raidron in Atrelyon.
The secret of the Voice. As my interest for the anatomy of my body, I was really curious about the "musle-voice" and how my posture, my braith, my eyes can influence the quality of the sound of my voice.
- Workshop Feldenkrais & Danse (look & movement) with Josiane Charriau.
At this same moment, I was experimenting kind of inner revolution, reading the book of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen "Sensing, feeling and action". This workshop represented a hugh step in the awareness of my body, of my movements, of my eyes... When I move one part of my body, what happen in the rest of my body?
Amazing experience; after a mental visualization of only one side of my body, for ex the right one, then when I stand up, I felt a real difference between the right and the left side of my body, close to a loss of balance! Prior to this, I experimented this sensation only after some bodywork but never after a "simple" mental visualization... oooooh my mind is so powerful!!!
Confirmation of my choice to work my dance from the focus of the awareness of my body. Dancing is not about technique but it's more about knowing how to let your body move! To not move but to let the movement happen.
Body, mind, body, mind... let's try to find a good connection and easy communication between both.
One question, can we separate the body from the mind? No way! My body is not only a vehicule for my mind. There is no duality, I am an All, part of the universe.
As Steve Paxton said in "Material for the Spine": "The Brain has no sensation, the brain has information. The body has the sensation."
Here I felt also that this journey will go further than a "professional" training but will help me to reach happyness through emotional balance and new faith: Love.
- Workshop Contact improvisation with Joerg Hassman in Jam'inlyon.
Nice opporutnity to know better the great CI community in Lyon and its area.
CI activities in Lyon:
+ Jam: every Sunday, 17h30-20h30, except when start with a class, 19h-21h30. In Arts en Scène
+ Lab: 1st Friday of the month, 20h-22h. In Arts en Scène
+ Workshop: before the jam, last Sunday of the month, 17-19h. In Art en Scène
+ Classes: Tuesday 19h15-21h30, with Anne Croiseur, in Arts en Scène
+ BMC with Anne Expert
And in the area:
+ Grenoble, important epicenter of CI in France, together with Paris:
+ International Festival Contact Impro first week of November :
- Classes of Feldenkrais with Josiane Charriau in Atrelyon
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Moshe Feldenkrais |
- Omar, a new friend from Morocco, introduced me to the Soundpainting. He is part of an amazing group in Lyon, Le Spang. Soundpainting is the universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language for musicians, actors, dancers, and visual Artists. Love it. The language comprises more than 1200 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the composition is realized, by the Soundpainter, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures. The Soundpainting language was created by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York in 1974. High level of improvisation performance. Bravo. I hope to participate to a workshop...