Diving into Dance... BERLIN, April-May 2012

From the Osterimprofestival in Gottingen I went to Berlin, amazing springtime...


After few days there, I already had a full-time classes! I took it very seriously. My friends were kind of surprised... when they were trying to know when we would meet... No time for drinking coffee!!! I was here for learning and training! No time for clubbing in Berlin ; )

Like a butterfly, I was tasting every tasty movement calling me:

- Axis Sillabus in Tanzfabrik. I really enjoyed the Tanzfabrik, I get a card which gave me access to all the classes, which are all "drop in classes". A gift for me.
I went to some Axis Syllabus' classes, and I really enjoyed this approach, dancing with a full body awareness.
The Axis Syllabus is a method for teaching people how to move safely that refers to basic physics and applied anatomy. This method uses a spiraling, circular vocabulary that process the use of built-in landing pads in the body to harness the body´s mass and movements with universal physical principles and your own skeletal architecture, reducing stress on the joints and organs by offering logical transitions for the transfer of weight through muscles and bones.

 - Contact Improvisation with Adalisa Menghini in Tanzfabrik. She is great CI teacher, she give a class with the basic of CI and an other one for more advanced people focusing in Improvisation.

 - Voice improvisation with Carola FurbaB. I really enjoyed the class with Carola, I met her in the Osterimprofestival. She helped me to connect my voice with the rest of my body, with my braith. Discovering the "healing" power of the vibration of my voice, feeling exactly the pathway of my voice inside me, how to offer to my voice more space, more support... We were a small group, experimenting voice impro circle, where the principles of listening, tuning, awareness were very important. Juicy moments!!!

- Action Theater with Action Theater Berlin in Bethanien. Such amazing space, the Bethanien center, an old huge Hostpital in Kreuzberg,  is a nice alternative artists place (exhibitions, workshops, arts media).
I get a good introduction to Action theater during the Osterimprofestival with Peter Krempelsetzer. In the Berliner group, I was the only not German speacking, so here it was really clear that Action theater is an amazing tool for playing with different languages. I was speaking in French, Spanish, Arabic, looking for improvising on the musicality of the sound of the words more than on their meaning.

- Klein Technique with Hanna Hegenscheidt in Bethanien. Every morning, Hanna give classes of Klein Technique, the best morning warm-up!!! Ok, to be honnest during the first class I had, I was completly lost, and I didn't get the "why, how, what"!!!

But litle by litle my body received this amazing gift, I was Higher!!! Yes I get some centimeters, believe me!!! This technique is basically about a rolling down and up. Muscular shift, looking to not hold muscles uselessly, released muscles can then create new space for the bones structure. The top of my head was attracted by a force from a sky and my feet were well rooted in the floor. I was feeling a line connected my pelvis with my head.
 "Standing, closed eyes, your feet at the wide of the hips, braith in... braith out, do not hold your belly, relax your jaw..."
I was able to feel the effect, only walking in the street, and of course when I was dancing!
Mmmmmh, I didn't really now what will be the next step, after Berlin, perhaps in a moment of my journey New York where Susan Klein (the creator of the tech) is practising can be a good stop for me...
- Workshops of CI with Joerg Hassman in K77 and with Dino Spiri, Jennie Zimmermann and Nadja Schwarzenbach in K77. Great trio who are assiting to Joerg Hassman from many years.
 I was happy to meet again Joerg, and this time in his "communtity". He told me that he was planning to participate to the Kiev Festival in May. I think about very litle before taking the decision to go also there! Ukraine... How can be the Ukranian CI community? waaaooou

- Workshop of "Body is voice" with Heini in Ada Studio at the Uferhallen. Exercices influenced by Authentic Movement, improvisation, listening and presence.

2 months in Germany, I was discovering a new culture, letting a lot of my stupid French beliefs about German people (and generally, about everyone). One interesting characteristic, German people do a lot of effort for a good communication, and for example, when I was the only not German speaking present in a class, teacher and students were shifting to English!!!!
Imagine going to a dance class in Paris... if you do not speack French? Learnt it!

CI jams in Berlin (no reasons for not dancing!!!):
- Every wednesday, 20h45, in K77
- Every Thursday, 18h30, in Fabrik Zirkonia
- Every 1 and 3 and 5 Friday, 20h, in Phinixtanzt
- Every 2 and 4 Friday, 20h, Phinixtanzt, Contact Tango jam
- Every Saturday, 19h, Tanzfabrik
- Every Sunday, 19h, SundayJamBerlin
- One Sunday a month, Family jam, 16h, in Phinixtanzt

Sites recommendations in Berlin:
K 77
Kunstquartier Bethanien
Mime Centrum
Fabrik Postdam 

In Berlin, I meet very nice people who open to me their houses, during 2 months I was leaving with Karolina (I met in the Osterimprofestival), with Berivan (I met in Almeria) and her roomate Telma and with Isa (dear friend from Almeria)... Beautiful people who have been supported my journey...

Thanks to them I was in very good condition at home for creating... I go on with my origami creations/ obsession. I was using recylced paper I found during my journey. Like a bird, flying in Germany ; )

Archive ; )  Some years ago, during my first trip in Berlin

 Ok I confess myself my Origami obsession is old... From the day, my brother Wadih showed me...

Souvenir of a street installation we did with Voix Off in a kinderpark in Kreuzberg

Next step??? KIEV!!!!

FREIBURG, GOTTINGEN: Osterimprofestival, April 2012,

In the festival of Fuerteventura, my dear new Friend and beautiful dancer, Nadine Santo, invited me to come to Freiburg and then traveling with her to the Gottingen Festival... At the begining it looked like the thypical "we have to meet again and blabla, it can be so great to blablaba..." But this time I was in the Improlife mood  ; )
So why not? Let's go! This trip is about letting the choices to come to me! Improvising life...
Dunke Nadine...

In Freiburg, I spent a very nice time with Nadine, discovering that she is also an amazing clothes creator "Ninsanto", sharing with her the life market!

Nadine first victim of my Origami obsession...

We went to a Jam in Freiburg and then go to Gottingen for 1 week non stop jam night!!!! Yalllah

Transport to Gottingen ; )
The Osterimprofestival: 250 beautiful people together during 1 week in the University Sports Center of Gottingen. Yoga and open circle every morning.
Intensives, Workshops, Lab, One2One, Performance, and Jam every night.
Many childrens sharing this fabulous experience with us. I really really appreciated that Children are complety part of the Festival.
This festival is not only about Contact Improvisation but also Action Theater, Performance Art, Contact-Tango, Music impro (instrument, voice)...

My program:
-Action Theater with Peter Krempelsetzer: . It has been my first contact with Action Theater; language, voice and movement are valued equally for their capacity to express and communicate meaning. Unique approch to physical theater improvisation created by master improviser Ruth Zaporah.
POWERFUL, opening the tools for improvisation, increasing the listening of space and group, pushing the mind-limits of the body, forgetting the correct, clever, coherent, predictable choices!!!
Yes I love it.
I had the deep feeling that I already knew and practiced it... Now I can name it! Then in Berlin I had the opportunity to practise with a group in the Bethanien Center...

- Performance Lab with David Lakein. He is amazing performer-teacher-human being. He invited us to visit the boundaries of the freedom in a group, traveling in the borderline in our choices, the power given by the Performance to an individual or a group... We spent part of the night in a crazy jungle buble! Inspiring deep work.

- Voice with Katrin Lerche.Very interesting voice work, similar to the body work; with a partner we were releasing some part of the body and finding a way to create more space for the breath and the voice. Discovering the amplitude of my voice! Surprised, perhpas, I can also sing??? noooo...
Yeeessss!! such amazing moment... My partner was also surprised by my discovered funky chest!!!!

Flash back, when I was 7, my teacher told me: "you have a nice voice, you should go to the Conservatory". I was so ashamed, me a nice voice? After some weeks, I shared this "thing" with my parents. I wore a flowered dress, my father and my sister drove me to the corridor of the biggest nigthmare of my life. During the audition, I was not able to remember my name... 6 adults sitting in front of me, waiting that any kind of sounds come out from my litle mouth... Nothing, just the deep desire to disapear forever!!!!

- Contact improvisation with Daniel Wermer, Moksha and Javier Cura ( I didn't get the chance to have TangoContact with Javier, not yet!)

- Carola FürbaB: group voice impro (I stayed in contact with her, and have some classes in Berlin)

Strange feeling of being deeply alone but in the same time supported by this many eyes, smiles, hands...

 And now let's go to Berlin!!!!