I have been always attracted by deserted space. For many reasons:
- esthetic
- the history of the place, nostalgy and curious about the past
- space open to any project! I love to give life to a deserted place, which can be enjoying by us here and now!
In 2009, with Voix Off, I did an amazing project, "suspension ocupada" in a deserted Hotel in Montserrat (north of Barcelona):
In Berlin, I din't take the time to go exploring deserted old spaces but in Montréal, I really want to find the place for a new project.
At this moment, I was interested in the concept of presence and absence, visible and unvisible, inside and outside, stillness and movement.
What our eyes can perceive? in a deserted place like a old factory, dirty, and dangerous.
What can you see? What can you perceive/ feel?
The concept of presence here and now allow me to enjoy really every moment, to share amazing experience with people, to improvise with awareness.
What mean the absence? Is the opposite of the presence?
But sometimes, we feel the presence of one person or something who is actually absent, isnt't it?
Is only the "thing" visible which define what is present?
My body can be here, present, outside, and my mind there, inside, and sometimes absent outside? How can I prouve physically the presence of my mind of my soul?
The movement is it the only way to prove that you are present concsiently and not sleeping?
The stillness? Is there any stillness?
Many questions, delicious questions which impulse a tasty project!
Presence & Absence
Voix Off was also in Montréal so I invited him to participate to the project "Presence & Absence". He help me to find an amazing olf Factory in Rosemont.
In 1 week, we prepare the place and invite people to participate to a performance night.
I send this message to all my contact in Montréal and we improvise all together:
I found an amazing space in Rosemont that could be occupy already this weekend to prepare the performance next Wednesday or Thursday (I would to fix the final date with you). This is an abandoned factory with two large rooms and at least four other small rooms.
The theme is "Presence and Absence" (this includes visible-invisible, inside-outside ...).
For installations in space, is open to any inspiration ...
For performance, dance & music improvisation, sound, theater / recital / reading, video/image projection...
This project is not my project but a great encounter between different artists or not, living together an unique experience.
We have a week to improvise together this event.
Re-send this proposal to the people you think are interested in this project. Everyone is welcome. The space is really hugh and just waiting to fill its absence by our presence!
The preparation have been a pleasure (ok... under pression because it was kind of "illegal", we had to work during night...), like always for me the artistic creation process is close to be the best moment in my Art.
The performance night have been amazing, and very organically, every artists find his place and time. We were perhaps no more than 30 people, the audience was great because some participate improvising with us.
Music improvisation: a cello and a guitar, playing in different spaces alone or with dancers. With Adrian who play the cello, I dance many times with him...
Theater: Adèle is a French actress who was in holidays in Montréal, she was closed in a big box of glass...
Dance improvisation: friends from the CI community came and dance with me ; ) video
Danses of the shadow: video
Sounds and light: Audréane, a crazy friend mine and wird performer
Here the integral video of the performance night.
Special thanks to Gil Perron, Nayan Ducret, Xi Feng, and Dylan who beleive in this crazy improvised project!
- esthetic
- the history of the place, nostalgy and curious about the past
- space open to any project! I love to give life to a deserted place, which can be enjoying by us here and now!
In 2009, with Voix Off, I did an amazing project, "suspension ocupada" in a deserted Hotel in Montserrat (north of Barcelona):
In Berlin, I din't take the time to go exploring deserted old spaces but in Montréal, I really want to find the place for a new project.
At this moment, I was interested in the concept of presence and absence, visible and unvisible, inside and outside, stillness and movement.
What our eyes can perceive? in a deserted place like a old factory, dirty, and dangerous.
What can you see? What can you perceive/ feel?
The concept of presence here and now allow me to enjoy really every moment, to share amazing experience with people, to improvise with awareness.
What mean the absence? Is the opposite of the presence?
But sometimes, we feel the presence of one person or something who is actually absent, isnt't it?
Is only the "thing" visible which define what is present?
My body can be here, present, outside, and my mind there, inside, and sometimes absent outside? How can I prouve physically the presence of my mind of my soul?
The movement is it the only way to prove that you are present concsiently and not sleeping?
The stillness? Is there any stillness?
Many questions, delicious questions which impulse a tasty project!
Presence & Absence
Voix Off was also in Montréal so I invited him to participate to the project "Presence & Absence". He help me to find an amazing olf Factory in Rosemont.
In 1 week, we prepare the place and invite people to participate to a performance night.
I send this message to all my contact in Montréal and we improvise all together:
I found an amazing space in Rosemont that could be occupy already this weekend to prepare the performance next Wednesday or Thursday (I would to fix the final date with you). This is an abandoned factory with two large rooms and at least four other small rooms.
The theme is "Presence and Absence" (this includes visible-invisible, inside-outside ...).
For installations in space, is open to any inspiration ...
For performance, dance & music improvisation, sound, theater / recital / reading, video/image projection...
This project is not my project but a great encounter between different artists or not, living together an unique experience.
We have a week to improvise together this event.
Re-send this proposal to the people you think are interested in this project. Everyone is welcome. The space is really hugh and just waiting to fill its absence by our presence!
The preparation have been a pleasure (ok... under pression because it was kind of "illegal", we had to work during night...), like always for me the artistic creation process is close to be the best moment in my Art.
I was interested in working with the shadow for playing with the presence and the absence. There was no power so all light we will use will be candels and flashlight.
Amazing appearance of the shadow of the scultpure, dancing, Presence, absence...
The performance night have been amazing, and very organically, every artists find his place and time. We were perhaps no more than 30 people, the audience was great because some participate improvising with us.
Music improvisation: a cello and a guitar, playing in different spaces alone or with dancers. With Adrian who play the cello, I dance many times with him...
Theater: Adèle is a French actress who was in holidays in Montréal, she was closed in a big box of glass...
Dance improvisation: friends from the CI community came and dance with me ; ) video
Danses of the shadow: video
Sounds and light: Audréane, a crazy friend mine and wird performer
Here the integral video of the performance night.
Special thanks to Gil Perron, Nayan Ducret, Xi Feng, and Dylan who beleive in this crazy improvised project!
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