VANCOUVER, August 2012, Hurdy gurdy and CI

From Vancouver island, I went to spend some days to the Metropole. Walking in Commercial drive area, my foots rooted in the floor, my head floating in the air, my legs hanging to my pelvis and my arms following any blast air...

Generosity of life, Kyle Syverson and Ryan Davis were also in Vancouver for fews days!!! I spent with them the 2 weeks in Lasqueti and we have together very good dance and human connection... Perfect to share with them an urban experience!

One night, by chance, after a dancing dinner with Kyle, we stop in the conner of a street intrigued by the atypical sound of a hurdy-gurdy. This old instrument give us so much inpiration for letting move our body. Some hours after a big street party happened, with other walkers, dancing, singing... So much joy.
David Burda, the hurdy gurdy player, accepted my invitation to make together a street performance the day after...
I was so happy the day after to see him coming, but also Kyle, Ryan and Elizabeth Hafeli (she is from Vancouver and she also participated to the Lasqueti workshop). It was good weather, so we decide to go to the Vancouver Art Gallery.
This afternoon, there were many walkers around the Art Gallery. Perfect for a improvisation performance. Contact improvisation and hurdy gurdy have been a very interesting mix for us and for the walker-audience. Elizabeth recorded us and I edit a smal video souvenir.

The rest of my stay in Vancouver, I go on dancing in the street with David. Danke!!!!

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